Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Ms. Caryn Currie.

Ms. Caryn Currie

Unit 3241
APO, AE 09094-3241
United States

+49 (0)6371-47-6021/6023
DoDEA's official photo of Dr. Shara S. Conway.

Dr. Shara S. Conway

Unit 3241
APO, AE 09094-3241
United States

+49 (0)6371-47-6021/6023
DoDEA employees official photo.


Unit 3241
APO, AE 09094-3241
United States

+49 (0)6371-47-6021/6023

School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Attendance Attendance
Michele Cook School Counselor
Gilbert Cortez School Counselor
Health Office School Nurse
Dr. Anne Hubbard School Counselor
Information Specialist Information Specialist 06371-47-6021/6023
Main Office School Secretary
Petra McLaughlin Registrar
School Meals Program School Meals Program 06371-47-6021/6023
School Psychologist School Psychologist

School Hours

Grade School Hours Office Hours Summer Office Hours
3 - 5 8:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
(M,T,W and F)
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  9:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

This year, students enter classrooms at 0805 (0905 on Thursdays) with daily dismissal for all students being 1445. The earlier entry allows time for hand-washing and sanitizing. Morning supervision for arrival of bus riding students begins with the arrival of the first bus. Students who walk or are dropped off to school by their parents should arrive no earlier than 0800.

For SY 21-22: each student enters the Courtyard each morning and selects a white or blue ‘Pawprint’ nearest their classroom entry door to stand on, while wearing a face covering. When possible, students standing on the same color Pawprint (six feet spacing) may have mask-free time. As more students arrive so that both blue and white Pawprints are used, students are required to wear their face coverings.

The designated drop-off and pick-up zone for RIS is located at the corner where Columbia Drive and Jefferson Avenue (by Donnelly Park, Field #1) intersect. Ten parking spaces are designated for student drop off between 0755 – 0810 (0855 – 0910 on Th) and 1430 – 1500 on school days. While some families use the Commissary lot, please note: the street in front of the school (New York Avenue) is closed to traffic between 0750 to 0815 (0850 to 0915 on Th) and from 1440 to 1505 on school days. Please observe these times so that your vehicle does not interfere with arrival or dismissal, thereby endangering students during these high-pedestrian traffic times. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to go to the Commissary before or after school. 

Students are considered late if arriving after the bell has rung. Late students need to sign in at the office, accompanied by a parent, and receive a pass if they arrive after the morning bell.

Collaboration Thursdays:

Every Thursday, teachers engage in grade-level or school-wide focused collaboration. As such, the start of those school days have a Late Start - as they are delayed by one hour and begins at 0905.

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